Nina Glynn In Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits Keeping it clean: The household product report Discover how UK, US, and French consumers shop for cleaning, household, and laundry products in…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits Get set for summer: The summer 2023 consumer behaviour report The consumer trends are heating up for summer. Take a look at how customers across…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends Insight on tap: The consumer behaviours making a splash in the alcoholic beverage industry What draws consumers to a particular alcohol brand? How do customers discover new drinks? What…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits The marketing manager’s outdoor sports report Outdoor sports, internal wellbeing: How the UK, US, and French post-Covid consumer is embracing recreation…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits The insight manager’s outdoor sports report Outdoor sports, internal wellbeing: How the UK, US, and French post-Covid consumer is embracing recreation…Read More
Jeff Macdonald In Advocacy, Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits Engage or die! – the Gen Z fan challenge that every football club needs to solve, fast! Discover the three essential ingredients to meet the needs of the next generation of football…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends Generative AI and its impact on the market research industry Generative AI. It’s all anyone is talking about. But the conversation around its implications for…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits New year, new consumer behaviours: How customers are shopping, travelling, eating, and scrolling in times of record inflation From the resurgence of in-person shopping to post-covid wanderlust, take a comprehensive look at UK,…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth The marketing manager’s future food and drink report Shopping. Socialsing. Eating. Drinking. From TikTok becoming the new Michelin guide to the cost of…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends The future food forecast: How consumers are eating, drinking, and shopping for food amidst a cost of living crisis Eating. Drinking. Socialising. Shopping. Living. Take a holistic look at how macro trends will impact…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth The 2023 consumer behaviour trend report: Key trends you need to know for the next 12 months and beyond We’re living in wildly unpredictable times. But trying to predict what is coming next is…Read More
Jeff Macdonald In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Giving food waste an expiry date: How brands & retailers can help consumers step up to the food waste challenge Food waste was identified by our community as one of their priority issues, so we…Read More
Jeff Macdonald In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Football’s £3.5bn female fan own goal Football is slowly changing, supported by the rise of the Women’s Super League and the…Read More
Jeff Macdonald In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth The plastic problem: what customers want from brands and retailers The plastic problem has been identified by our community of 1,200 everyday sustainability champions as their…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends The research revolution: The insight buyer’s guide to agile, cost-effective, community-led research Can we expect rich results from transactional research and dispassionate participants? Brave brands say no…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Winter Forecast: How consumers will be spending during a winter of record inflation This winter may be a time of tightened pursestrings in comparison to previous years for…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends WINTER SPEND FORECAST: How 5 real consumers will be shopping over Black Friday and Christmas in a cost of living crisis Rampant spending usually characterises Black Friday and Christmas. This year promises to be different, as…Read More
Alex Tasiopoulos In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Next gen shopping: How to connect with Gen Z consumers during record inflation They’re young. They’re powerful. And they’re dictating the new rules of commerce. Gen Z may…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth How to build a community led brand, with L’Oréal: Your guide to putting customer voice and community at the heart of operations Discover the deck from our webinar with L'Oréal's very own Kim-Lin Capes and Bulbshare’s Roxanne Smith…Read More
Julie-Anne Adeniyi In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends How to build a community led brand, with L’Oréal: Your guide to putting customer voice and community at the heart of operations Join L’Oréal’s Kim-Lin Capes and Bulbshare’s Roxanne Smith on 29.09.22 at 15:00 BST as we…Read More
Alex Tasiopoulos In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth The cost of living eBook: Your guide to buying behaviours in times of record inflation In this upward spiral of prices that wages haven’t caught up to, how are the…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Community Purpose Playbook: How to put purpose at the heart of your brand to resonate with your customers In the era of the B Corp, CSR doesn’t cut it any more. Critics are…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends Lights, camera, real action: How to put purpose and sustainability at the core of your brand… Your brand toolkit Join Bulbshare and sustainability experts, Aimee Anderson, Paul Crewe, and Mark Downes as we discuss…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Unlocking the power of fan engagement: Lessons from football Why more and more future-facing sport organisations are building fan communities to drive engagement and…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Value Playbook: How to re-think your media spend and connect with Gen-Z… Muting, skipping, blocking… Whatever it is, Gen-Zers are not watching your ads. 99% skip ads…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends Sustainability across the world: Understanding what is means using big qual… The MRS Big Qual Conference 2022 (With CPW) We teamed up with Nestlé CPW to deliver a presentation as part of the MRS…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Government, Trends, Youth Working minds: Breaking the stigma around mental health in the boardroom… Your guide to a happy, healthy workforce Join Bulbshare and mental health advocate, Geoff McDonald, as we discuss employee communities, how tech…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Minimising your insight budget while maximising your output: Your value playbook In uncertain financial times, minimising risk has never been more important - and the smart…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends The power of online communities: Mapping consumers’ online shopping journey as a case study… The MRS CX, UX & MR Conference with Nestlé CPW Fusing insights from UX, MR, and CX to develop a rich understanding of shoppers, with…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Government, Trends, Youth What makes Gen-Z tick: How to be a brand that resonates with younger audiences Join Thred Media’s CEO, Jenk Oz, The Youth Vote UK’s CEO, Alexander Cairns, and Bulbshare,…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Gender and Gen-Z: Resonate with younger audiences by saying goodbye to gendered marketing Using gender stereotypes to sell goods has been made illegal in Britain, and consumers across…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Trends, Youth The post-gender generation: How to leave gender-based marketing behind and gain cut-through with Gen-Z Join Reckitt’s Global Head of PR, Culture and Lifestyle Partnerships, Vincent Panzanella, and Bulbshare as…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Cost of Living, Covid, Trends Crisis consumption: New buying behaviours in light of a cost of living crisis Join us as we talk to four real consumers from very different walks of life…Read More
Hunter Bickel In Advocacy, Report, Trend reports and toolkits Breaking the internet: How can brands exploit viral trends to captivate consumers? From the Oscars slap to the Sprite challenge. From TikTok dances to a story of…Read More
Nina Glynn In Cost of Living, Report, sustainability, Trend reports and toolkits Shopping sustainably: How 5 key markets rank sustainability in their grocery shop Sustainability is a global issue. In a world so divided by borders, there is one…Read More
Nina Glynn In Community, Cost of Living, Covid, Report, Trend reports and toolkits Crisis communities: How a ‘Pandemic Spirit’ emerged to help us cope in times of peril… They say when it’s dark, look for light. With a global pandemic, a cost of…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Trends What does the metaverse actually mean for brands, for marketing, and for real people? The metaverse, web3, blockchain… What are the impacts and opportunities for brands? And what will…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, sustainability, Trends Your carbon neutral kit: How to secure a carbon neutral future for your brand When the importance of being authentically sustainable has never been more crucial, and with consumers…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advertising, Advocacy, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth Ad blockers and advocacy: Why Gen-Z is blocking paid ads in favour of real voices Armed with ad blockers, volume control and the almighty skip button, consumers are pulling out…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Cost of Living, Covid, Digital Trends, Report, Retail, Trend reports and toolkits, Trends Climate of fear: What happens to consumer spend during times of crisis? Today’s consumer is financially and emotionally exhausted. Emerging from Covid into a cost of living…Read More