Welcome to the Change4Life Bulbshare community
This is the place where you can register to be part of the community, so you can start responding to briefs, sharing ideas and co-creating with Change4Life - all through the Bulbshare app.
All you need to do is click the register button below to fill out all your details. You’ll then receive an email from us with all the information you’ll need to download Bulbshare and get started.
What is Change4Life?
These days, 'modern life' can mean that we’re a lot less active. With so many opportunities to watch TV or play computer games, and with so much convenience and fast food available, we don't move about as much, or eat as well as we used to.
Change4Life for your kids
Nine out of 10 of our kids today could grow up with dangerous amounts of fat in their bodies. This can cause life-threatening diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Change4Life for you
By the time we reach middle age, the majority of us could do with losing at least a bit of weight. Being overweight isn't just about the way we look. It can lead to more aches and pains, problems sleeping and people report a loss of energy and confidence. It also increases our chances of getting heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.
But it doesn't have to be this way. Middle age comes to everyone – 'middle aged spread' doesn’t have to. You've taken the first step towards getting yourself or your kids eating well, moving more and living longer just by being here – so welcome to Change4Life!
To learn more about Change4Life, just click below to visit the website:
About Bulbshare
What is Bulbshare
Bulbshare is a co-creation app that connects brands and organisations to audience communities, empowering real people to shape the content, causes and campaigns that affect their daily lives. Through Bulbshare, brands can build private audience communities within a mobile app, then engage them in daily briefs around insight and content - creating collaborative content, products and services that better reflect the wants and needs of the real people they seek to serve.
How does it work?
Once you’ve downloaded Bulbshare, you’ll receive push notifications telling you when a new Chnage4Life brief has gone live. Responding to briefs couldn’t be simpler - just click Join Brief and get started. Bulbshare allows you to respond with text, video or images, as well as liking and commenting on all the other responses from your fellow community members.
What do I do?
All you need to do is download the app, log into the Change4Life channel on Bulbshare with the password provided (we’ll send an email with this plus all the other instructions you’ll need), then start responding to briefs. Easy-peasy!