01. Creative concept
NAME OF IDEA. EG. The digital kid
Imagine the main character of a video-game who also happens to be a kid. We might see him collecting shiny stars or fighting against colorful dragons.
But the truth is that this character hides a secret.
He would love to be a kid for real, to play for real like one of those who control him with a joystick from the other side of the screen.

02. Nesquik product script
We open with an English Boxer dog chasing the dad who is running out to the neighbour’s garden fence. At the last minute, he victoriously holds a rocket nerf in his hand.
V.O.: Poor Dad, we’ve been playing a lot lately…
Dad jumps to his backyard and takes a breath.
V.O.: Since I’ve been drinking NESQUIK® every morning…
We see the Kid is looking for his Dad. We open the shot and we reveal where Dad is…
He is hiding inside a small tree house, but he can’t fit as we see only his legs coming out. He is clearly stuck inside, with only his legs visible.
V.O.: …thanks to the vitamins and minerals…I can play like a pro…and concentrate on the mission…
We cut to the kid playing football. He dribbles towards the dad, passing the ball through his legs. Dad can’t believe what just happened. Cut to dad inside a handmade cardboard spaceship. He’s sweaty, but his happy face is peeking out of the rocket window. The kid is concentrating whilst painting the spaceship, taking his time, without thinking of anything else, including his Dad stuck inside.
We cut to an extreme zoom over a glass of milk. We see a spoon stirring NESQUIK® powder and see in detail the magical transformation: The milk mixes with the NESQUIK® powder and magically becomes a delicious glass of NESQUIK®. We zoom out from the glass and see that the glass is in the mom’s hand. Mom puts the glass beside the kid on the breakfast table.
We now see dad also sitting at the table.
V.O.: …He deserves a glass of NESQUIK® too…
The Kid is about to give Dad the glass of NESQUIK®. But he hesitates for a while and finally gives into the delicious temptation of NESQUIK®.
V.O.: Unfortunately he’s not a kid
He pulls back and keeps the glass for himself and drinks it, again leaving the father empty-handed.
We see the kids’ enjoyment as he takes a sip of the delicious tasting NESQUIK®.
Mom turns her head and winks with a smile.
NESQUIK® Brand signature
It seems to be a typical packshot, but – for the hook for the consumers- Dad’s hand will appear again trying to steal the glass of NESQUIK®.
Kid’s little hand will avoid It by pulling the glass again out of the frame.