After months of restrictions, lockdowns and uncertainty, the world is yearning to open up once again. And in the UK, the coming months signal that long anticipated freedom – as well as a whole new breed of consumer trends.
If all goes ahead as planned, the next month will see an end to all legal limits on social contact and a reopening of clubs and theatres. With such a momentous day approaching – one that, for many, symbolises a victory over months of turmoil – we wanted to pulse check our UK community’s feelings about reopening.
Would they be returning to normal life and all that involves? Would they be eager to socialise, party and spend? Or would they be cautious and concerned about safety?
And what of the predicted ‘Roaring Twenties’? Will we really see a time of exuberance, decadence and hedonism? Will it be spend, spend, spend after nearly two years of restrictions? Or will frugality, caution and concern continue to characterise the remainder of the decade? Here’s what our UK community had to say…

Spend, spend, spend
Our UK community are loosening their purse strings this summer, with 36% admitting they’ll spend more than they did over the last few months post-lockdown, and 21% saying they’ll spend more than they did in lockdown.
Their money will be divided across travel, socialising, drinking, eating, spending time with family, partying, shopping (online and in-store) and beauty appointments. Amongst all this celebration and bacchanalia, there was little money left over for gym memberships and exercise, with 74% confessing their money would not be going on keeping fit.
“I spend money on clothing and food when meeting up with friends.”
Bulbshare User, Female, 16, 🇬🇧
“People are now used to shopping online for almost everything; even older generations have been shopping online. I see more click and collect and deliveries to lockers. I see more store closures happening. I think the upward use of contactless payments will continue and some stores will refuse to accept cash or limit the number of cash desks where you can use it.”
Bulbshare User, Male, 53, 🇬🇧

A flight to nowhere
The travel industry has been one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, with the UK’s stringent traffic light system leaving little room for hope for a holiday. That being said, 56% of the community were still keen to travel. 18% are hoping to jet away, and 31% are considering a staycation. 18% are holding out for a last minute booking and 33% are staying firmly on home ground this year.
“I’ll be spending it on a holiday as it is long overdue.”
Bulbshare User, Male, 55, 🇬🇧
“Definitely a well earned break!”
Bulbshare User, Female, 38, 🇬🇧
“I would prefer to do a staycation or break - just one without the added cost of having to pay for Covid test results!”
Bulbshare User, Female, 20, 🇬🇧
“I already have two staycations booked. Going abroad isn’t worth it at the minute as the government never gives a clear answer on quarantine. Plus the holiday experience won’t be worth the money with all the local restrictions in the destination. Better to spend local and save the economy.”
Bulbshare User, Female, 18, 🇬🇧

Booze is back in business
After months of closure, the hospitality industry is hungering for clientele again. Thankfully, our community are willing to oblige. 73% will be dining and drinking out. 62% said they will be going to bars and pubs and 54% are headed to restaurants and cafes. For 11% a bottomless brunch is even on the menu!
“We are having a London pub crawl to see each other again.”
Bulbshare User, Male, 39, 🇬🇧
“I’ll be splashing the cash on food and drink out in restaurants and pubs.”
Bulbshare User, Female, 18, 🇬🇧
“I'll most likely be socialising, seeing as everything will be reopening and the weather has been nicer.
I also want to get new clothes seeing as I’ll be going out more.”
Bulbshare User, Female, 19, 🇬🇧

A return to commutes and suits
As offices reopen and flexi-working becomes the norm, the food-to-go category can finally claw its way back from obscurity. With 59% saying they’ll buy lunch on the go again, the meal deal can make a return. Despite this, our community are reluctant to invest in seasonal train tickets, with only 30% intending to purchase any tickets.
"I think people will have less time as we all return to work - but will spend more."
Bulbshare User, Female, 20, 🇬🇧
The health craze is a distant memory
With reopened restaurants, flowing drinks and celebrations, there was little time for the gym and exercise. Instead, community members are happy to spend their money on bottled beer and BBQs. Only 26% are going to buy a gym membership and 73% still intend to get takeaways.

Are we washing our hands of hand sanitiser?
In order to facilitate this new and wild lifestyle, our UK community still felt the need to maintain safety measures. When asked if they’d still be investing in sanitiser post-restrictions, 73% said yes – and half are still going to purchase masks. Many of those sampled said that they imagine masks are not gone for good, with mentions of winter foreboding more restrictions, and others saying that they will keep some measures in place till they are fully vaccinated.

What is the true meaning of freedom day?
68% said they will be socialising more and 65% said life will be irrevocably changed after lifting restrictions. Despite this relative optimism, only 30% think the UK has reached the finish line for the pandemic – and the other 70% think anything could happen. 32% still feel cautious about rushing back to normality and 35% feel life won’t get better after this date.
“I'm not sure June 21st will happen yet; I think there will be a further delay, but either way, I'm happy just to be getting back to normal.”
Bulbshare User, Female, 50, 🇬🇧
“I think people will relish the enhanced freedom.”
Bulbshare User, Male, 39, 🇬🇧
“Life won't change for me; I will still exercise caution.”
Bulbshare User, Female, 53, 🇬🇧