We all know the ‘New Year New You’ clichés: eat less, run more, be kind to others, etc. But when it comes to really living better in the new decade – implementing lasting rather than quick-fix solutions – what are the concerns that people are actually addressing? And how will 2020 lifestyle changes reflect the economic, social and environmental factors at play in the current world?

We asked our global community to talk about the New Year in a series of briefs – ranging from the simple changes they want to make to their own daily lives to the broader concerns they have for the planet in 2020. From all the insight, ideas and stories shared, plus a look at the ‘New Year New You’ blogosphere, we’ve put together 10 ways we think people will be changing their lives in the coming year – as well our advice for how global brands should be reacting.

Cutting-out waste. Reducing screen time. Properly turning off from work and implementing lasting dietary changes. Here’s our 10 ways for a happier, healthier, more sustainable existence in 2020…

Improving my mental health
Any New Year New You blog to is sure to mention improvements to physical health (more exercise, better eating, blah, blah), and don’t worry this one does, but we were surprised by just how many of our Bulbsharers’ 2020 focus was on improving their mental health. From being happier and more optimistic to conquering anxiety, stress and anger management, it seems a recent spotlight on mental health awareness has had a big impact on our users. More than ever, brands need to be onboard with mental health issues – check out our mental health blog for key take-outs on how to connect with consumers around this pertinent subject.

“I would like to stop biting my nails and conquer my anxiety…” (Bulbshare user)

Making a difference and helping communities 
It seems that unsettled times, prolonged economic instability and an increase in more divisive politics have made people want to do more to bring their communities together.

“My new year’s resolution will be to volunteer more as there is so much to do to help our communities. I feel my time would be better spent doing things which are uplifting, and I would like to make a difference however little. There is a local food bank I want to volunteer at so I’m looking forward to the new challenge in 2020.” (Bulbshare user)

“My hopes for today and the ‘future’ are… On-going positivity, companionship, improved environmental stability and increased community spirit.” (Bulbshare user)

“(In 2020) my philanthropy and sensitivity to social problems will continue…” (Bulbshare user)

“(In 2020) politicians should promote awareness, love and patriotic spirit to all citizens instead of hatred among them…” (Bulbshare user)

Striving to be waste-free
Climate change and environmental issues were top of our Bulbsharers’ agendas when asked about hopes and fears for 2020. Our users talked about cutting out plastic and striving to be waste-free, taking less planes, using less water and using as little packaging as possible. Our community wants to ramp up its efforts to reverse the damage already done to the environment and stop our planet being “ploughed of its resources”. Check out our Recycling Frustrations blog to see how brands can connect around the issue of plastic.

“I hope that the world becomes a better place and reduces plastic consumption.” (Bulbshare user)

“Day by day, global warming is a bigger threat for us. The weather is changing and it is affecting everyone in the world.” (Bulbshare user)

“We will be more focused on natural products… Knowing where they come from and the chemicals used to make them. We need to be doing more recycling in terms of the clothes we wear, and be more sustainable in our everyday lives.” (Bulbshare user)

“I predict a big change in the way climate is handled. I think more people will be taking notice of our impact on the planet, and changing the way they do things. I hope there is a review of policies when it comes to countries in trouble, requiring relief. And I think people will be taking a more natural, hands on approach to food, as prices are bound to rise due to the fire situation.” (Bulbshare user)

Reducing my meat consumption
Regular subscribers will know we’ve covered this subject a lot in recent weeks (explore the meat as an ‘event’ trend in our Flexitarianism blog), but it really does just keep coming up. Make no mistake, reducing meat is going to be a widespread lifestyle choice in 2020, and the motive is as much around the health of the planet as it is around the health of the individual.

Drinking less alcohol
Another reoccurring theme with our Bulbsharers – drinking less and moving towards no and low-alcohol alternatives. See our No Low Rising blog to learn how your brand can jump on the burgeoning no and low alcohol bandwagon in 2020.

Reducing screen time for a calmer mind
Previous Bulbshare briefs have told us how our community is increasingly moving away from social media – partly due to negative associations around bullying, privacy and targeted advertising. But our New Year New You briefs have showed us that people are looking to reduce screen time – particularly late night social media scrolling – to achieve a more relaxed mind and sleep better.

Addressing my work-life balance
Spending more time with family is a big concern for our Bulbsharers – and they mean to achieve it by addressing their work-life balance. Knowing when to turn off, refraining from constant email checking and prioritising quality family time over being glued to work emails on their phone.

“My new year’s resolution is to spend more quality time with the family and focus on enjoyment and living life rather than living to work. I feel this will help the bond in my family grow stronger and will take the stress out of things… to allow us to enjoy life more.” (Bulbshare user)

Utilise apps to improve my exercise regime
Let’s face it, doing more exercise is pretty standard when it comes to New year New You. But 2020 focus will be on engaging with technology to ensure exercise routines are organised, optimised and don’t hit the back burner after January. There’s hundreds of workout and exercise apps out there like Zeamo and Adidas’ Runtastic, as well as government initiatives like Public Health England’s Couch to 5K, which operates through its own app.

No more diets
Our Bulbsharers are all about eating healthily, cutting out meat and focusing on eating natural and non-processed food, but the word ‘diet’ is notably lacking from our responses. Our New Year New You briefs showed more positivity around eating, with sentiment being focused on eating the right things rather than eating less.

Financial stability… Reducing my debt and managing my finances better
It seems clear than a prolonged period of global fiscal uncertainty has increased our Bulbsharers focus on their own finances. The global economy was mentioned heavily in our Hopes and Fears for 2020 briefs, with a large number of users being keen to get out of debt, change jobs in order to earn more money and get themselves into more stable financial positions.

“(In 2020), supplemental income (will be) very important. People say, happiness cannot be bought with money, but without money you cannot be happy.” (Bulbshare user)

“My fears are that the economy and government will not get better and Brexit will follow us for years to come, and the nation will be cleaning up the mess instead of reaping the rewards… (As) the rich get richer and the poor poorer.” (Bulbshare user)


Key take-outs

  • Be kind. Our Bulbsharers want to help people in the new year. Philanthropy goes a long way. They connect to brands that show they have a heart and are committed to social good.
  • Invest in mental health. Mental health awareness and positive mental health is at the forefront of our Bulbsharers’ minds. Brands that show an awareness of and commitment to mental health issues will gain trust and resonance with 2020 consumers.
  • Sustainability is still king. Zero waste will be again be top of the agenda for consumers across the next 12 months. Brands must innovate around packaging solutions, show they are committed to environmental causes and shout about everything they are doing to be sustainable..
  • Be positive around food. Calorie counting and fad diets are a thing of the past. Our Bulbsharers respond to positive messaging around health and nutrition.

To find out how Bulbshare could benefit your organisation, please contact Michael Wylie-Harris on michael@bulbshare.com

Michael Wylie-Harris

Author Michael Wylie-Harris

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