Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Navigating global research: How to run multi-market insight communities for at-scale insight Want to unlock the power of global insights without losing local nuance? Watch this webinar…Read More
Nina Glynn In Communities, Customer Stories, Insight, Report Turning beauty lovers into trendsetters: Building a 100% customer advocacy campaign with NYX Professional Makeup Discover how Bulbshare helped a leading makeup brand build a 100% customer-powered campaign rooted in…Read More
Khalipha Ntloko In Bulbshare blog, Digital Trends, Insight, Report, Trends Black Friday Unboxed: What 2025 shoppers really want Brace yourself - Black Friday is bringing in savvy shoppers with demanding expectations this year!…Read More
Michael Wylie-Harris In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth The synthetic shift: Is synthetic data the future of consumer insight? Watch this webinar to learn how you can harness video to get deeper into consumer…Read More
Nina Glynn In Communities, Customer Stories, Insight, Report Driving innovation in petcare: Testing a pet calming device via customer feedback Discover how Bulbshare helped a leading petcare brand test a product innovation for calming pets…Read More
Nina Glynn In Communities, Customer Stories, Insight, Report Taking chocolate beyond Christmas: exploring category opportunities with a leading confectionary brand. Learn how Bulbshare helped a leading confectionary brand explore the potential to expand the chocolate…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Community building in the AI age: How leading brands are harnessing AI to engage communities at-scale Transactional, one-way relationships with customers just don’t cut it anymore.Read More
Nina Glynn In Communities, Customer Stories, Insight, Report Putting Gen Z voices at the heart of a brand repositioning for the leading sexual wellness brand Discover how Bulbshare helped build a diverse tastemaker community to boost brand resonance for a…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Becoming a research superhuman: Your step by step guide to supercharging your research with AI prompt engineering Transactional, one-way relationships with customers just don’t cut it anymore.Read More
Nina Glynn In Communities, Customer Stories, Insight, Report Understanding a rollercoaster of emotions: Generating insights for a global theme park for optimised customer experience Discover how insights from Bulbshare helped drive internal guidelines to create a more memorable park…Read More
Nina Glynn In Customer Stories, Insight, Report, Retail Colouring in the gaps with consumer feedback: Harnessing consumer insights to de-risk a product launch and marketing campaign Discover how customer insight communities became a goldmine of feedback for a leading footwear brand…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth The Gen Z shopper behaviour report They’re young. They’re powerful. And they’re dictating the new rules of commerce. Say hello to…Read More
Nina Glynn In Customer Stories, Insight, Report, Retail Putting the vision in television ads: Giving a leading beer brand the winning formula for TV commercials Discover how we helped a leading beer manufacturer make more data-driven decisions for TV commercials…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Qual Innovation Summit with Insight Platforms: How global brands harness AI for research Forget the heavy lifting. Those days are over. The AI revolution has transformed the way…Read More
Nina Glynn In Customer Stories, Insight, Report, Retail Hospitality customer story – Raising the bar for a leading pub retailer: How Bulbshare’s self-serve offering serves insight on tap to Greene King Discover how Greene King unlocked fast turnaround consumer insight via Bulbshare's DIY offering, for even…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Fly on the wall research: The power of ethnographic observation for deeper consumer immersions For deeper consumer realities and true empathy, insight professionals need to walk a mile in…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Mind the say-do gap: Bridging the gap between what consumers do and say they do with AI led always-on customer communities Cut through the noise with Purina, Data, Art & Soul, and Bulbshare as we discuss…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth AI: Powering-up Consumer Insights 2024 – Bulbshare X Premier Foods Discover how AI is revolutionising the market research industry with leading food producer, Premier Foods,…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth A new frontier of video research: Maximising consumer immersions with generative AI Join Premier Foods, Greenbook and Bulbshare as we explore a new frontier of video research,…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Tackling Food Waste – MRS Sustainability Summit December 2023 Join Ed Ayton (Abel & Cole), Caroline Bates (Citizen Good) and Julia Brannigan (Bulbshare) to…Read More
Nina Glynn In Customer Stories, Insight, Report, Retail Premier Foods: Giving a leading food producer the recipe to success with Bulbshare’s Post Launch Consumer Review Giving a leading food producer the recipe to success with Bulbshare’s Post Launch Consumer Review.Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare blog, Digital Trends, Insight, Report, Trends ChatGPT one year later: How OpenAI generated a new era of accessible artificial intelligence AI - it’s all everyone has been talking about since the launch of ChatGPT. And…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Insight futures: The trends set to shape the landscape of market research in 2024 Join Founder of Insight Platforms, Mike Stevens and Bulbshare as we forecast the research trends…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth Festive forecast: Unpacking seasonal spend across hospitality, with Greene King Join Greene King’s Consumer Insights Manager, Caroline Dean, and Bulbshare’s Chief Customer Officer, Louise Hughes,…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Youth The insight manager’s future food and drink report Shopping. Socialising. Eating. Drinking. From nootropic drinks to fishless fillets, here are the trends that…Read More
Nina Glynn In Digital Trends, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Trends The Inflation Report: Consumer spend in light of continued austerity A cancelled Christmas is on the cards for a quarter of respondents, and, above all…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Trends, Youth How to mine and analyse data 50 x faster using generative AI, with Microsoft and Bulbshare Actionable tips on how to best wield AI technology to save time, drive efficiency and…Read More
Nina Glynn In Digital Trends, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Trends Generating the future: Predicting the impact of AI on consumer insights AI - it’s all everyone has been talking about since the launch of ChatGPT. And…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Trends, Youth Bringing the customer into the boardroom: How leading brands are winning with community-led growth In 2023 the ‘consumer’ no longer just ‘consumes’. They innovate. They co-create. They advocate. But…Read More
Alex Tasiopoulos In Brands, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Trends, Youth The fashion report: Is frugality in fashion for consumers during the cost of living crisis? Unravel the consumer clothing trends here. Discover how UK and US consumers are shopping for…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Trends, Youth The alcoholic beverage report: The consumer behaviours making a splash in the alcoholic beverage industry What top trends are sating US and UK consumers’ thirst? From drinking their greens to…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Bulbshare webinars, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Youth Bringing the customer into the board room: How leading brands are winning with community-led growth, with TikTok and giffgaff In 2023 the ‘consumer’ no longer just ‘consumes’. They innovate. They co-create. They advocate.Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Communities, Influencer, Purpose, Report, Trend reports and toolkits, Trends, Youth Branded with pride: The diversity, inclusion, and equity report What to do - and not to do - on Pride Month and beyond, according…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends Generative AI in Practice: How Cereal Partners Worldwide is transforming its insight capabilities with intelligent solutions Join GreenBook, Bulbshare, and industry expert Eliana Wahnon for a webinar that takes AI from…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends Welcome to the future of insight… Bulbshare’s next-generation AI survey builder Virtual launch event and live expert Q&A! Join us for a whole new era of…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits Keeping it clean: The household product report Discover how UK, US, and French consumers shop for cleaning, household, and laundry products in…Read More
Nina Glynn In Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits Get set for summer: The summer 2023 consumer behaviour report The consumer trends are heating up for summer. Take a look at how customers across…Read More
Nina Glynn In Bulbshare webinars, Community, Insight, Trends Insight on tap: The consumer behaviours making a splash in the alcoholic beverage industry What draws consumers to a particular alcohol brand? How do customers discover new drinks? What…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits The marketing manager’s outdoor sports report Outdoor sports, internal wellbeing: How the UK, US, and French post-Covid consumer is embracing recreation…Read More
Nina Glynn In Advocacy, Brands, Cost of Living, Insight, Report, Trend reports and toolkits The insight manager’s outdoor sports report Outdoor sports, internal wellbeing: How the UK, US, and French post-Covid consumer is embracing recreation…Read More